Rental Agreement for OBT Facility Use

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Details Regarding the Event:

Please select all that apply.
*Wedding Package includes Banquet Hall, Sanctuary, Kitchen, tables, and chairs, three rooms and Rehearsal Day (kitchen and rehearsal time 3 hours max, $35 per additional hour), Wedding and Reception (6 hours max). Also includes A/V service and usage of tables and chairs. Please note this does not include the musicians’ fees if required.
Full deposit is due with the submission of the form. Full payment is due 2 weeks prior to the event.

Legal Form and Agreement

Facility Use Agreement:

·         Open Bible Tabernacle Haitian Assembly (OBT) reserves the right to refuse rental of building to organizations and persons whose views or missions are not in accordance with Open Bible’s principles and values.

·         All decorations, staging, and equipment must be broken down and removed immediately following the event.

Terms and Conditions:

·         NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES or SMOKING on church property at any time.

·         NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES / DRINKS are allowed in the sanctuary. Any damage, or replacement costs due to food or beverage will be the responsibility of the renter.                                                Renters: Please be mindful of food and drinks in the sanctuary. Remind  those attending your event that there is no food or drink allowed inside the sanctuary.

·          The kitchen is to be left clean – all garbage and recyclables are to be removed from the building immediately after any function.

·         The renter is responsible for set-up and break-down for all tables and chairs used at functions.  All furniture shall be placed back in its original position unless prior arrangements have been made.

·         All areas of the facility should be left as it was found.  Kitchen, Bathroom, Classrooms etc. At the conclusion of the event, the rental party must sign a completed clean-up check list.  The deposit will be refunded after inspection of the facility.

Damage Assessment:

Damage to the church property caused by the renter, any contractor, or any employee of the renter, or any person attending the event for which the church was rented, will be charged to the renter.

 We have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement including any supplementary agreement (s) attached hereto: to keep and maintain the church property and good name in the condition as found, to maintain the security of the premises and all equipment, furniture, fixtures and valuables, allowing no unauthorized person (s) to enter or use church property and to remove any church property and to remove any property brought into the church when the rental period is over. Any infraction of this agreement may result in loss of security deposit, denial of further use of the church premises, and/or cancellation of this contract.

Please select one option.

I, the undersigned, understand and agree that neither the Church nor its trustees or representatives, or employees may be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with the activity which may result in injury, harm or other damages to the undersigned or members of our organization and guest,invited or not.

As part of the consideration for being allowed to use this facility, building, and ground, as well as all appliances and fixtures, I assume all risk in connection with participation in the activity. I further release the church, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives for any damage which may occur while participating in the activity. I further agree to same and hold harmless the church, its trustees, employees, agents, or representatives from any claim by the undersigned renter in any form or fashion.

I further state that I am authorized to sign this agreement: that I understand the terms herein are contractual and not mere recital: that I signed this document of my own free act and volition. I state and acknowledge that I have fully informed myself of the content of this affiliation and release by breading it before I signed it.

 I, have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement, including any supplementary agreement(s) attached hereto: to keep and maintain the church property and good name in the condition as found, to maintain the security of the premises and all equipment, furniture, fixtures, and valuables, allowing no unauthorized person(s) to enter or use church property and to remove any property brought into the church when the rental period is over.

Any infraction of this agreement may result in loss of security deposit, additional charges, and denial of further use of the church premises, and/or cancellation or this contract.

Please select one option.
Please type your name and date below

Office use Only

For Office Use Only

I , __________________, have executed this affirmation and release on the ____ day of ________, 20___

Important Info: No need to complete this section. Please Read!!!!

CLEANING CHECKLIST( To be completed after the event)

This cleaning list must be used for the $150 deposit to be refunded after a full inspection and approval has been done.

              o   Vacuum/Sweep area used

o   Common Area: Vacuum/Sweep, straighten

o   Stage area: Straighten and clean appropriately

o   Trash: Empty trash cans throughout building in use

o   Foyer/Hallway: Dust/ mop/ straighten

o   Bathrooms: Sinks, Toilets & floors

o   Return chairs and tables to their destination

o   Remove all your belongings and décor
    To ensure return on deposit; After the event, check mark each area, sign and date this form.  Return to the designated person.




 ____   Building was returned to the condition in which it was received.

 Signature of Church Representative:  ____________________________




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